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Here For A Good Time, Not A Long Time

Ka-Chow! Now y'all make sure y'all keep up, because if he stops.... "Hamma Time". Ok on some real ish now. Meet Troy better known as Hamma or even Gun Smoke, just your friendly nieghborhood casual-hardcore gamer. Troy is a straight-up country boy from a small town in the good old state of South Carolina. He is a true family man. A husband and father to three beautiful daughters. 

Like most 80's babies, Hamma strarted gaming on the Nintendo. Super Mario was his "1st love" as far as video games go. He has a true passion for FPS and sports games but will play nearly anything.  Goldeneye, which happens to be his favorite game, was the true start to his competitiveness in games. Now days you can catch him mainly on Madden, NBA 2K or Call of duty.  

Outside of gaming, Troy has a real passion for sports. This passion is extremely apparent when it comes to football and dont even get him started on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers or Georgia Bulldogs. 

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Happy Gamer Family
Father & Son Gaming
Hamma: About
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