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The Captain of The Show

Alabama native Rashad aka ShowBoat was born in 1986 and has been gaming since the early 90's. Boat found a love for gaming early, as he found this hobby to be another way to bond with his dad and older brother. Boat and his family would spend hours playing on SNES and Sega. Some of their favorite games to play were Streets of Rage, Mario, and Donkey Kong Country. As the years passed, a hunger for competitions and bragging rights amongst his friends, drove Boat to improving his skills on the sticks. During the high times of Gears of War, he and his friends created a gaming team (Iv3) to compete on Gamebattles. Unfortunately due to scheduling conflicts Iv3 would no longer be competing. When one door closes, another one opens and for Shad that meant he would be moving on to play Call of duty competitively.

In a nutshell, Boat is a God fearing, family-first, lets have a good time together type of guy.  It's that type of vibe from his friends that helped Boat through tough times.  He found that he could provide that same encouragement and humor to his channel to uplift and brighten his viewers moods. With a channel built on laughter and fun, his stream is where you want to be.

ItzShowboat: About
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