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Stay Ready for Fun!

Meet Prime, known as TD to his friends and family. Originally from Shreveport, La, TD is a married father of 3. Even though he is a focused gamer, TD is completely dedicated to family. Family is the blueprint on which Prime's House was created. TD is a die hard Dallas Cowboy fan! (Logo makes sense now, huh) This guys has been gaming since the age of 5, starting with Sega Genesis and  Nintendo! He may have started gaming early but his real love for it didn't come until much later. TD really developed a true love for gaming when online multliplayer became popular.
Other interests of TD include but is certainly not limited to food (cooking and eating), most sports, and comedy. Looking for energy and laughter, check out his stream. He possesses one of the most contagious laughs you'll ever hear. If he gets going, you are bound to laugh with him. Come ready for tears rolling, rib hurting laughter. Although Prime is as silly as they come, he can also be a deep, emotional guy. You just never know where the conversation is going to go with this man. He's always open and ready to chat and laugh. So swing on by his channel and hang out with the Man of the House, the man we call "Coach".

PrimeTD: About
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